Monday, November 15, 2010

"Shri Atmananda Swamiji Preaching the devotees"

“Om Namah Sukhaya” “Om Namo Nanave”

Some of the main Teachings of Shri Guru Atmanand Swamiji are:

  • Making the living beings blissful is the only worship of God.

  • World peace can be attained by observing the moral rules.

  • Mental peace can be attained by dispassion of sensory objects.

  • Eternal peace can be attained by self-realisation.

  • Man takes rebirth according to his actions and impressions of sensory objects, for example: plants, worms, insects, birds, beasts, ghosts etc.

  • When the mind is still, there is happiness. When the mind is agitated, there is unhappiness.

  • Body consciousness is unhappiness. Craziness over sensory objects is unhappiness. Self-consciousness is happiness.

  • Man is an architect of his own fortune.

  • Human birth helps to attain liberation.

  • Mind can be controlled by continuous enquiry of happiness and unhappiness.

  • Self realization can be attained by continuous meditation of self.

  • One’s own consciousness is one’s own preceptor.

  • Man has committed a heinous crime by seeking the happiness in and through the world.

  • The contact between sense organs and sensory objects end in tiresomeness and weariness.

  • The bliss is formless. In deep sleep there are no forms but bliss is there, it is the bliss of self.

  • The idea that “I am not God” is the greatest crime.

  • Self consciousness is Swadharma and Non-Self Consciousness is Paradharma.

  • Give up body consciousness, Know that you are God, and remain as God.

  • Happiness is within and not without.

  • No knowledge or learning of scriptures is necessary to know one’s real nature.

  • The law of Karma upholds the whole universe.

  • The birth right of every soul is to attain eternal peace.

  • To attain one’s own real nature, the attainment of superconscious state is absolutely necessary.

  • Man is desiring happiness through his own experience of happiness of his first intuition.

  • Universe is insentient and is of the nature of unhappiness.

  • Universe is a mental creation which is non-existent.

  • You are happiness yourself, but you have forgotten your real nature of happiness.

  • Your real nature is not affected by the states of experience i.e. waking, dream and deep sleep.

  • The three states are mere appearances (The creations of nescience on your real nature having no real existence at all).

  • Mere change in dress or leading a life without a wife cannot make one to attain one’s real nature.

  • By praying, begging, asking or seeking bliss cannot be attained.

  • Happiness is the goal and consciousness of happiness is the means.

  • Unhappiness is due to nescience, and happiness is due to knowledge.

  • All respect to Eternal bliss (Om Namah Sukhaya).

  • All respect to “Real I” (Om Namo Nanave)

  • When the mind comes into the contact of desired sense objects it becomes steady for a movement, during which the bliss of the self is reflected in that still mind but man is deceived into the thinking that the sensory objects are the source of happiness.

  • One cannot desire happiness unless one knows it.

  • Man knows happiness during his first intuition, which has been somehow forgotten.

  • Deep sleep is a state of ignorance and bliss, turiya is a state of consciousness and bliss. In turiya one is knowingly blissfull but in deep sleep one is unknowingly blissful.

  • In turiya one is perfectly sure and conscious of one’s own reality, but in deep sleep nothing is known about one’s own reality.

  • In turiya one is witness to all the three states; deep sleep, dream and waking.

  • “Live and Let Live” is the law of morality.

  • Deisrelessness is happiness.

  • Unlearn the learnt.

  • To know is to be and not to become.

  • Our real nature is happiness but ignorant people seek happiness outside their real nature.

  • Happiness and unhappiness are to the mind but not to the body and soul.

  • During control of breath the mind becomes still temporarily and happiness is experienced, when the control of breath is removed the mind becomes agitated and unhappiness is experienced. So, by control of breath eternal happiness cannot be attained.

  • The happiness cannot be created in any laboratory.

  • Discrimination, Dispassion and Constant Meditation on the self is the only way of attaining self realization.


  1. This is really good work....Sadgurudeva Atmanand is reaching tech-savvy people in search of "Real Happiness", "Eternal Bliss" through you as Upaadhi.

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    Well done!!! Appreciate your work!!!

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