Monday, November 15, 2010

Sri.Gurudev Atmananda Ashram

Swami Atmananda was a realised soul. He was one of the great apostles of Vedanta philosophy. He was born as a son of Swami Sivananda of Nagnur-Gadag who dedicated his whole life for preaching Vedanta in Karnataka. Shri Swami Atmananda was brought up by special care of his father, Shri Swami Sivananda. He had spiritual bent of mind since his childhood. Swami Atmananda and his father Shri Swami Sivananda lived like ancient sages Sukadeva and Vyasa . They attained super-conscious state while delivering discources. He preached about eternal bliss that he attained to all humankind without making any distinction between high and low, literate and illiterate, rich and poor for 45 years for the welfare of the world. He preached Vedanta philosophy in a very simple language so that any human can understand it. His preached principles are eternal and universal. During all his life time, he sincerely attained super-conscious state for three to four hours daily. Even on the day when he gave up his body i.e. 19th December 1983, he attained super-conscious state from 8-11 A.M. He actually lived whatever the principles he preached.

He led a very simple life. He used to call all the people while preaching as ‘Gods’ and himself as ‘Worshipper’ and all people as his ‘Preceptors’ and himself being a ‘Disciple’. So proudless he was.

He offered two mantras, namely, ‘Om Namah Sukhaya’ and ‘Om Namo Nanave’. The mantra ‘Om Namah Sukhaya’ reminds us that the aim of all beings is eternal happiness which is formless, but ignorant people seek happiness in forms which are of the nature of unhappiness and quarrel among themselves. The mantra ‘Om Namo Nanave’ reminds us that our true nature is happiness, but ignorant people seek happiness outside their own real nature. So, to attain eternal bliss, we have to know our real nature.

The devotees of Hangaraki village invited his holiness Shri Swami Atmananda in the year 1966 to the village. Later for four years, one month in a year Swamiji preached spiritual lectures everyday in the morning-afternoon-evening. In the due course of time, he instructed the devotees that it will be better if they construct the spiritual ashram. Accordingly, Sreemant B A Desai of Hangaraki constructed spiritual ashram in his field near by the village in the year 1970. Later on the devotees of Hangaraki and nearby villages constructed another spiritual ashram on the hillock of Hangaraki village in the year 1981.

The devotees of other villages constructed Ashrams at Manihal-Sureban of Ramadurg Taluka and Karikatti of Savadatti Taluka of Belgaum district, Pudakalakatti of Dharwad Taluka, RadderTimmapur of Badami Taluka in Bagalkot district and in many other places.

From 1966 onwards itself, the devotees of Shri Swami Atmananda Swamiji have continued the spiritual discourses everyday in the morning and evening. Ashrama has a library which includes all the works of Swamiji and other Vedanta books.

The aim of the Ashram is to serve the people physically, mentally and spiritually by providing food to the hungry, uplifting people morally, making people strong minded by discrimination and dispassion and making them self realised by constant meditation of the self attaining super conscious state

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